Moy Marble Design Portfolio by Zetagram

Zetagram (formerly Infiniti) has provided professional design services in County Mayo for Moy Marble:-

For more information contact us to arrange a free design and marketing advice consultation.

Moy Marble logo design Moy Marble business card and letterhead design Moy Marble van design Moy Marble vehicle graphics design Moy Marble fleet graphics design Moy Marble van wrap design Moy Marble web page design Moy Marble website design Moy Marble web design Moy Marble website design


Moy Marble


Ballina, County Mayo, Ireland



Moy Marble was a small, independent start-up luxury tiling service based in Ballina, County Mayo, which supplied and fitted high quality imported marble products for hotels and offices across the west of Ireland.

The initial brief to Zetagram* by the client was to create a logo design to establish the business and present it to luxury flooring clients like hotels and high end property developers.

Zetagram visited the business showroom premises and viewed the range of stone and tile products. The client already had custom product photography prepared and an existing van, which was painted a dark grey colour.

After competitor research and analysis, Zetagram followed the route of using the existing paint colour of the van as a basis for the corporate identity design.

Combining the dark grey with standard cut-vinyl colours, and gold as an accent, Zetagram created a custom drawn motif design based around the two initial letter 'M's of the business name, made to look like marble tiles.

The motif was then complimented with a carefully selected font style to project the refined style of the service. To extend the corporate identity a deckle-edge style was simulated using the zigzag of tiles from the motif.

For day to day business, Zetagram designed business cards and letterhead, and developed the van design using discreet cut vinyl graphics on the grey paint background. The deckle edge style was continued, and information including services, contact details and a location map were added to encourage enquiries.

To promote the business online and to provide more information to potential customers, Zetagram wrote, designed and built a single-page XHTML website using the professional photography supplied and custom designed graphics to continue the identity style.

*Formerly known as Infiniti.