Glitterbug Design Portfolio by Zetagram

Zetagram (formerly Infiniti) has provided professional design services in County Donegal for Glitterbug:-

For more information contact us to arrange a free design and marketing advice consultation.

Glitterbug logo design for girls Glitterbug logo design for boys


Halligan Print


Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland



Halligan Print was a small, independent start-up print and design service based in Castlebar, County Mayo, which provided business card and stationery to businesses across Mayo and Sligo.

Glitterbug was a new product venture to launch a range of children's furniture by an independent manufacturer based in County Donegal, Ireland.

The initial brief to Zetagram* by the client was to create a cost-effective logo brand design to promote the range of Glitterbug products aiming at younger children.

With this in mind, Zetagram took the literal interpretation of Glitterbug and created a ladybird/ladybug insect character and applied stars instead of spots in order to communicate the 'glitter' aspect.

The logotype font is a fun arrangement of a cartoon display font incorporating the bug character. In order for both boys and girls to relate to the design, two versions were created to make it gender specific for both boys and girls furniture products.

*Formerly known as Infiniti.